Brent & Becky Wakefield

November 2, 2021
The Wakefield Family

Why did you choose Lifegate Christian School for your child/children?
Our daughter was thriving academically in our local public school but not emotionally, socially, nor spiritually. We (mom & dad) decided to tour LCS as a possible alternative for our daughter. We were thoroughly impressed with the time given to us by the superintendent and principal to learn about their school and the warm welcome of the LCS teachers and staff. However, we felt it would be too much of a change for our daughter. Then Covid 2020 rocked our world. Like everyone, we homeschooled the remainder of that year. We knew that with the upcoming Covid guidelines we could not send our daughter back into our local public school and expect her to thrive, we knew Lifegate would offer a better choice for
her social, emotional, and spiritual needs even during a pandemic.

What do you love most about our school?
With great hesitancy, we sent our daughter into second grade at Lifegate after being in a public school for Kindergarten and First grades. It did not take long to feel at home and as if we had belonged for years! Our daughter began to make loving and healthy friendships right away. She loves to see her newfound friends both in and out of school. It has been incredible to see our daughter connect with friends who share the same values as us regarding faith and family. Additionally, we have been impressed by the academics at LCS. As a former teacher I (mom) scrutinize all of the work that comes home from my daughter to make sure it is up to par ~ it is! After our daughter’s second grade year it was not even a discussion if we were going to re-enroll her and send her little sister to kindergarten to LCS.
What has been most surprising to you about LCS?
As parents we have been pleasantly surprised by how warmly welcomed we are by the front
office staff. They are always so friendly, helpful, and efficient. Additionally, the communication between the school and the family including phone calls, emails, newsletters, and lots of organized opportunities to participate in the school and classroom(s) has been a huge blessing.
In what areas do you see your students or family thriving after beginning at LCS?
In addition to our two daughters thriving academically, socially, and emotionally we are seeing them thrive spiritually! Our girls have often come home fired up about their relationship with the Lord after a Wednesday chapel. They are also becoming Biblically literate in both knowledge and heart application. It gives us great peace to know that their relationship with the Lord is a high priority at school and they are being taught values that reflect the image of God.